This story causes my heart to ache.
I feel empathetic towards Mr. Fingers; He's clearly insane - but I feel the story is making clear why. This is only speculation, but, it seems that Mr. Fingers may have been in a war - more specifically the Great War (i.e. WWI) - and that after the war was over, he found that all of his friends as well as his brother, Kenneth, had died; leaving him behind. As with many Great War veterans, the enourmous amount of guilt - combined with the lonliness and sadness - finaly gave way to madness.
He origionally came at me as being a sickly depraved character, to being the sad, empty shell of a man broken by the hardships of war. I know what it is like, and it wrenches my heart to think about it.
Your stories are exquisetly beautiful, as well as morbidly macabre. I very much enjoy expieriencing them.